Buying Your Gullibility Pt. 1: Ghost’s

The Rational League
3 min readNov 21, 2022


Everyone swears to have seen or heard ghosts but has anyone proven that what they saw was an actual dead person at this very moment, there is no evidence of a ghost being a deceased person. Plenty of people have video and audio recordings of what they claim is a “ghost,” but that’s as far as it goes. A step even further is, if we haven’t proven that what we’re hearing and seeing are actual dead people, then what are people selling to gullible ghost “hunters”? There is a lot of “high-tech” equipment that ghost hunting shows like Ghost Adventures use, i.e., an EMF detector, which can measure the electromagnetic field in a particular area. The problem is, where is the evidence that ghosts can change electromagnetic fields? On top of that, again, where is the evidence that a ghost is a deceased person? With that being said, why are these tools being sold as being able to capture ghosts, when people can’t even prove that ghosts are dead people?

The problem with this is that to a believer, the photo or audio they captured is proof of dead people, so when this argument is brought up they can’t wrap their head around the fact that they’re making a claim based on observation and haven’t found evidence for their claim. If we go by the scientific method, step one is to make an observation, so in this context, you’ve observed the audio and/or video. Step two is to develop a question, which would be something along the lines of “what is that anomaly?” Step three would be to form your hypothesis, which would be “That anomaly in the video is a ghost.” Step four is to conduct an experiment, which would be to come up with an experiment that a ghost is a dead person. This is where everything falls apart because, up to this point in human history, no one has been able to prove that ghosts are dead people. A photo with something you can’t explain is not evidence of a dead person, it is an observation you’ve made.

This brings me to my main point, if we haven’t proven that ghosts are dead people, then what are people capturing? If ghosts aren’t proven to be anything, then why are we selling equipment to people that claim to capture ghosts? Even further, why are people charging money for “ghost tours”, which are legitimately someone taking your money to show you mundane, everyday buildings and tie in some random event that may or may not have happened and call it a “haunting?” People are peddling bullshit, and feeding off the gullible. If youre reading this and have bought equipment or paid for ghost tours, you have wasted your money and were duped. Until we have legitimate, concrete evidence, that ghosts are dead people it’s just another thing added to the list of bullshit that is being sold to the credulous.



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