Indoctrination Over Self-Identity: A New Parenting Guide for How to Disown Your Children.

The Rational League
3 min readJan 7, 2022


A societal norm has plagued cultures for centuries, the concept of disowning family members because they don’t follow your traditions or religion. Disowning your child because they married outside the race or because they married someone of another faith is the cesspool of bad parenting. There is absolutely no objective reason to justify disowning someone because they aren’t like you. In Islam, the consequence of apostasy is death, and it is justified even today. In Lebanon, 46% of Muslims support the death penalty for leaving Islam. In Iraq, it’s 42%, and it’s even worse in Egypt, with 86% of Muslims supporting the death penalty for leaving religion. Whether you’re a parent or religious leader should put no one to death because of their beliefs or lack thereof. In 2007, a video of a mother freaking out over her son being an atheist went viral, borderline disowning him. Recently, Ayesha Mohammed, a Muslim woman, was killed by her brother for removing her Hijab from in videos.

We act like we’re becoming a more civilized, accepting society, but in reality, we’re just trading off intolerances. In the 50’s it was racism. Now it’s killing and disowning family members for not being like them. Each generation believes they are the future society that will make life better through whatever means and call it progress. At the dawn of the 20th century, they thought their forms of medicine would change the world. Well, most of them killed people and were ineffective. They used cocaine as an elixir to cure ailments. Before people understood radioactivity, radium was put into water and sold as a cure-all. As you could imagine, people started dropping dead. In the golden age of Psychology, sometime between the ’40s and ’70s, there were all kinds of new schools of thought, one of them being the lobotomy. The lobotomy was a “surgical procedure in which the nerve pathways in a lobe or lobes of the brain are severed from those in other areas.” It was thought to clear certain mental illnesses or prevent migraines. Instead, it made, as they would call it, “dull.” Nowadays, we have “alternative medicine” popular among higher-class individuals, but little to no evidence is supported. Each generation does the same exact thing, creating new ways of doing things with minimal, actual progress. In 3 decades, most of the new ideas coming out will either be disproven or have hurt or killed people. In the past few hundred years, the most significant possible change was the enlightenment period, which caused civilization to step away from superstition and start critically thinking by using logic and reason. With that said, we can act like we are changing society, but we are just as intolerant as the last generation; we’ve just traded what we consider intolerant.

No matter how you look at life or your religion, no one should be disowned for differing beliefs. Yes, even racism because what can be learned can be unlearned. No one should be killed for criticizing your beliefs or leaving your religion. Charlie Hebdo, A newspaper company, was shot up by Islamic terrorists because the newspaper organization drew the prophet Muhammad on the cover, which is highly frowned upon in Islam. It doesn’t matter how upset you get; no one should be censored, let alone killed because you don’t like their views or criticisms. If you disown your child because they’re not like you or don’t believe what you believe, you are a terrible parent and are a disgrace for choosing to indoctrinate your child over letting them be themselves.



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