The Reversal of Roe is About Maintaining Male Dominance Not a Right to Life
The overturning of Roe is a perfect time to address the philosophy of women’s rights. This isn’t about abortion at all; it’s a power struggle by men who see the feminist movement gaining enough ground to become a threat. Men can control everything in life, but the one thing they cannot is life. Women have the power to control when life comes into existence. They are life bringers. Throughout history, this has come up time and time again. Some prominent examples are protecting virginity, abstinence, and celibacy; they are all ways to control what women do with their bodies. Women are called “sluts” if they choose to go outside the norm that men have created. Men are congratulated when they have tons of sex. When we think of men, we think “human,” but a woman is only considered human when she is doing the things that the male has normalized what a woman should be.
The #Metoo movement is a prime example of women denying men’s power, not overriding it, but acknowledging there was no power in the first place. The #metoo was a moment for women, but it was also met with backlash.
Rape is another example of this male dominance over women. Even today, women are being blamed for someone raping them by stating they were too promiscuous or that they wore clothing that came off like a “slut”. The rape victim is being blamed for the choice of another? This is a prime example of the attempt to keep the idea of a “woman.”
When women educate themselves, it is always met with some sort of ridicule, i.e., the stereotype that only unattractive, boring women get an education. So this is another attempt to keep women in the definition of a “woman.”
Now let’s bring up abortion. The right to an abortion was a significant milestone for the woman’s movement. It gave women say over their bodies. This, of course, is a massive blow to the male ego since women have a choice that men cannot control. The overturning of Roe V Wade is not a movement by pro-lifers to keep the right to life, it’s a way to give power back to men, to control when women give life. Yes, a woman voted to overturn Roe, but I will say that any woman who is okay with taking away their rights is brainwashed. Brainwashed by centuries of ideologies that created the essence of a “woman”, but “woman” is the idea of men. A woman is who she wants to be, and a man is who he wants to be.
The “murder” of children is grounded in religion. Based on the study or religion, there are so many versions of what a life is that one cannot singly define what a life is. The science is clear; until the thalamocortical pathway, a collection of certain parts of the brain that cause higher cognition, is created, there is no ability to think or be “alive.” Pro-lifers try to say that a fetus can feel pain. To be able to “feel” means you can contemplate, but to be able to contemplate, you need higher cognition. To have higher cognition, you need the thalamocortical pathway, which doesn’t come about until at the earliest, 18 weeks. The science tells us that before 18 weeks, a fetus is just a bunch of organs. You can’t have a conversation with a heart. “life begins at conception” is a religious idea. You can’t murder something that isn’t alive.
Overturning Roe is a prime example of the power struggle between men and women. It is a win for men because now they can take control of a woman’s body again. Women’s rights should be the same as men’s, and until that is the case, their rights are not intact. Why are we always addressing it as “women’s rights”, as if women are a separate species? These are human rights. There should’ve never been a separation of rights based on sex. Women have always had to have this hurdle of “womanhood” before they could claim to be human. To conclude this article, as the famous feminist philosopher, Simone de Beauvoir, “If the feminine issue is so absurd, is because the male’s arrogance made it “a discussion.”